Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why I love cool rims.

I don't know too much about you but I just can't get enough of seeing my favorite cars totally trick out with the biggest rims on them that could possibly fit. I really just get a kick out of it. The look of a nice set of chrome rims on a car just gives me a woody!

I live in Atlanta so seeing cars customized with all of the bells and whistles on it is a norm for me. I get to see some of the coolest cars in the world every day, (it's just too bad that I don't get to drive any of them :~(). I suppose that one day I will have my day in the sun. The other day I saw an all black H2 with a set of all black 26 inch rims on it! It totally blew me away. As I stared at the cool truck aimlessly, I thought to myself, "one day" and then the owner drove off. As I tried my best to snap back into reality I realized that I am totally infatuated with cars that have rims on them that obviously are not supposed to fit yet somehow do.

I just can't wait until the day that I get enough money to buy my very own car with a nice set of rims on it. But until then I will just have to be satisfied with my raggedy old Ford. Patience is a virtue and right now I have a lot of it. I always wonder what the owner of these vehicles actually do for a living and the one thing that always comes to mind is "drug dealer" I don't know why, I guess that is just what those cars symbolize. I then thought that if this is what I think then this is obviously what the police must think also. I then began not to feel so bad that I didn't own a car that would cause me to get harassed constantly. Talk about looking at things on the bright side...